Often Cam and I get overwhelmed with how much we have to do to the house and around the house, but thinking about all we have done in only ONE YEAR puts things into perspective. We have achieved a lot over the past year, if this rate continues we'll have no problems whipping our 17 acres into shape.
Here is a summary of year one:
- Settlement occured on June 6th, and we had a moving in working bee with mum, dad and some of Cam's friends doing the heavy lifting.
- We bought a shiny new fridge to celebrate. It is an upside fridge which opens to the left and I love it a lot.
- We bought a water tank, which filled (and overflowed) quite quickly. So far we've had no problems with running low on water, which is nice not to have to worry about
- We bought a quad bike to play with! We do have plans to buy a rake to attach to the back so we can use it to clear up undergrowth, but have had trouble finding one, so for the moment, the bike is purely for fun!
- We built a chook house. The open fronted shed was already there, but we fixed a door to the front and fenced in a yard for the chooks, who then met utimely deaths. At the moment we have peacocks living in the shed, and every day they brighten my life by being so beautiful.
- We built a pig pen and bought a pig! Hamilton is so funny and really quite sweet, just on the weekend I was potting plants and he just came and rested his head on my shoe and then nuzzled me like a cat. He loves scratches and will just slowly relax, then fall to the ground in a heap.
- We had trees removed to make a backyard area. This is still a work in progress, we've had the trees removed, now we just need to somehow turn the wasteland of woodchips and weeds into a grassy knoll
- We've bought a chainsaw and have been cutting our own wood and clearing some land. Again, a work in progress in progress, possibly we'll never be finished this job
- We built a fence. Yay! Now we have a proper backyard for pigs, dogs, and kids eventually. It means we'll be able to think about a garden and start making a nice place for ourselves.
- We've built a path. It was one of our earliest projects and I love our rustic, slightly uneven path. I've learnt not to run along it in the dark because it is uneven. Nut with good high steps, I've not tripped and broken anything yet.
- We got engaged and are planning a wedding! House plans and improvements have subsequently come to a bit of a halt as we save up for our wedding
So we've done a lot of things and we've got a lot we want to do. So far most things we have done have all been outside things. We've got lots of plans for inside, I can't wait to get started on things next year after the wedding is not taking up every spare moment of time.
We have had a really happy year in our house. Living with Cam has been wonderful and we are learning more about each other and growing together each day. I love going to sleep with him and waking up with him and I find now that I can't get to sleep easily if he is not home. I miss having him next to me at night when he is away. We help each other around the house and I think we're pretty fair about chores - bt maybe ask Cam and he'd disagree and say he does more than I do! We love spending time at home and being together. I can't wait to marry him.