Thursday, September 30, 2010

Holidays Suit Me

I've been on holidays for the past two weeks and I really like it. I wonder how long it would take for me to get bored and want to work if I never had to work? My guess is quite a while.
Cam and I drove to NSW to visit Rhiannon, which was great fun. It was lovely to see her, and great to spend time with her, Mark, Landon and Logan. The kids are really cute! It makes me miss having all my family close by. It would be wonderful to be able to see everyone whenever I wanted, rather than for it to be an event when we catch up. Although that said, I am lucky enough to live in the same town as Eamon, and yet we rarely see each other anyway, so maybe you never can win!
We have been looking after Ruby for the past two nights though, and Eamon and Carlee are coming out tomorrow to get her, so it will be nice to be able to catch up with them after their holiday. It will make me really look forward to our holiday at the start of next year!
Cam and I have been busy DIYing at home. We have made some planter boxes for out the front, which we have bought some hedging plants to go in, so we are excied to be doing jobs around the home that are working out ok, although today building the second box did test our patience. I'm sure I am horrible to do that sort of thing with, because of course I know best, but since Cam has all the muscles, I just boss him around and tell him how to do things. But we worked well together and the boxes look great. It will be a wonderful "outdoor room" when the plants grow.
Wedding planning this afternoon, we have finalised our invitations, now just need to get them printed - not sure if our printer at home will be able to do them, or is we can get them printed somewhere else?? We have the card we want them printed on, just need to actually print them.
Ahh, busy times. I hope this week never ends. I dont really want to go back to work on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Benny, Try Office works for somewhere to print your invitiations from a memory stick or disk? Rhiannon xxxx

    PS I loved having you here!
