Saturday, May 8, 2010


This afternoon Cam is at work, so I am at home alone. I plan on being very domestic and cleaning the house, and cooking a lasagne and sticky date pudding for friends who are coming over for tea.
We spent the morning making piles of logs and leaves in one of the paddocks. Since buying Cam his new chainsaw, he has been having a field day chopping trees down everywhere in sight - but since he hasn't just cut one tree down, then cut it into manageable pieces then stacked it, we now have an apocalyptic wasteland of three paddocks worth of trees to chop and pick up, so the task is just overwhelming me. I know it will look good when it's finished, and will give us a chance at growing some grass in the paddocks, at the moment I just feel despair at having to spend every moment that we are not at work outside working to clear up all this mess.
What I find most annoying is that Cam complained the other day of having so much to do and so little time, then has created this giant task, rather than do a small section and clear up as we go. I am feeling frustrated. And I shouldn't complain really, because I know that Cam will keep going with the job until it's done, but there are a few other jobs that still haven't been quite finished, so I am apprehensive. And because the fun job is actually using the chainsaw to chop down the trees, now we have heaps of boring job to clear up after all the fun. And the chainsaw is so heavy that I cant even use it to do the fun bit, I just get to help with the boring bit!
It's probably not as bad as it seems, even the hour or so of work we did this morning has improved things, so maybe the job wont be so big, it just looks big because there are so many trees lying on the ground and leaves everywhere.
Ahh, domestic bliss.

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